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Log In

Firstly, user needs to ensure that they have a data connection Wi-Fi, 3G/LTE or 4G. Input the username and password then press the Login button.

Log Out

Basic Functions
Log in
Log out

To logout from the system, use the button Logout at the home screen of V6 mobile.

Basic Navigation Between Screens

Basic Navigation between screens

Use the button Home

on the right and left arrow

on the left to go back to the menu screen or previous screen.


GPS Polling

This is a background process that constantly retrieves GPS coordinates of the device and submits to V6. The process is controlled from the server without any input from the users.


Setting up scanner for use with v6mobile

V6 Mobile can be deployed on different configurations of phone and handheld devices. Some types of devices come with in-built laser scanners, some devices are not equipped with a laser scanner but instead use the cameras OCR function as a scanner. V6 Mobile can also support an external Bluetooth scanner.

Before you beginning scanning, it is important to configure the type of scanners for use.

From Home > Settings > Barcode Scanner > press Change.

If OCR with camera is selected, then wherever a scannable field is displayed, a Scan button will also be shown next to it, to launch the camera to scan bar codes.

In all other options, the Scan button will not be displayed next to a scannable field. To trigger the scanner, use the scanner’s trigger button. (physical trigger button)

(when other type of scanner is used) (when OCR with camera is used)


Inbound & Outbound scanning

Inbound scan

Once a receipt request is created from V6, Warehouse mobile scanners will be able to see the request by tapping Warehouse > Scan In

Inbound scan

On the screen that appears, the user can select the warehouse they are working in. Then enter or scan a customer code for the products being scanned in. Once the correct customer is selected tap the Get Orders button to bring up the warehouse order list.

On the receipt request list screen, there is a text box where users can enter or scan a request number or select directly from the list if visible. If users key in the request number tap ENTER or GO to start the lookup process.

Press the document number of the request this will open the request detail screen.

To start scanning operation tap on the SCAN button next to the barcode field. Then scan the barcode on each product, enter the bin location code, and press SUBMIT to send the information to V6.

This scan screen supports scanning of one barcode at a time. If the barcode is a serial or a combination of a product code and a serial, the quantity should be entered as 1. If the barcode is a product code and the product is non-serialised, the user must enter an actual quantity into the “Qty” box.

The table in the lower portion of the screen displays current scanned items. Tap the line to reveal list of scanned serial numbers and to delete tap on the (X) on that line.

Click button the (?) next to the bin location to inspect the current bins on hand quantity.

When all items are scanned, tap FINISH to finalise the order (commits stock to on hand quantity in V6)

Outbound scan

Outbound scan

This function works in a similar way with the Inbound scan. To access it, go to Home > Warehouse > Scan out.

From the shipment request screen, the user can select the warehouse they are working in. Then enter or scan a customer code for the products being scanned. Tap the Get Orders button to bring up the warehouse order list.

Press the document number of the request this will open the order detail screen. Scan the barcodes of the products, type in the bin location and quantity then press the SUBMIT button. Each time the user submits, the quantity of the item will increase accordingly. V6 will do the validation to prevent users from shipping out incorrect quantities.

The table in the lower portion of the screen displays current scanned items. Tap the line to reveal list of scanned serial numbers and to delete tap on the (X) on that line.

Click button the (?) next to the bin location to inspect the current bins on hand quantity.

To complete a warehouse order by tapping on the FINISH button (available when scanned quantities match expected quantities).


Bin transfer scanning operation

V6 provides two methods of completing bin transfers,

  1. By creating a bin transfer order using V6, then scanning and submitting data to V6 and finishing the order in V6,

  2. By creating a warehouse bin transfer order on V6 Mobile, scanning data and completing the order on the same device.

In this manual, we will only focus on the second way (using a mobile device) to implement bin transfers.


Create a bin transfer order

From the Home screen tap Warehouse >Transfer to work with bin transfer orders.

On this screen, the user can select the warehouse they are working in. Then enter or scan a customer code for the products being scanned. Tap the Get Orders button to launch the bin transfer order list screen.

Alternatively, if the user wants to start a new bin transfer, tapping on the New Transfer button to generate an order on the selected warehouse and customer.


On the transfer order detail screen, use the Scan button or keyboard to enter the barcode, bin locations (from/to) and type in the quantity. Then press Submit to add a line of transfer to the detail table underneath.

The (?) button is used to look at bin’s stock on hand quantity.

Scan Barcode


Complete a bin transfer order

When all lines are entered and correctly confirmed, press Complete to execute the transfer V6 where the stock balance (stock on hand) will be adjusted accordingly.


Stocktake Scanning Operation

The stocktake scanning process is used after a user has created a stock count sheet from the V6. It should be noted that a stock count sheet is not a warehouse order, but when a stock count sheet is posted, it will be converted into a warehouse adjustment order. This order will have the same number as the count sheet. The order can be used to perform adjustments of stock on hand quantities or bin locations of the product.

From the Home screen, select Warehouse > Stocktake to navigate to the stocktake scan function.

Choose a warehouse from the list then enter or scan a customer code to work with. After that, Tap the button Get Orders to display a list of stock count sheets.

On the stock count sheet list screen, there is a text box where users can enter or scan a sheet number to work with. Alternatively, users can also touch the sheet number on the first column of the list to open the stocktake scan screen.

On this screen, use a scanner to enter barcodes and bin locations and type in the quantities. Tap Submit to send the information back to V6.

Use (?) to view stock on hand quantity at the inputted location.

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