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Warehouse orders is the primary way in which customer inventory is entered into stock and managed in V6. Warehouse orders can be any of the following receiving orders, despatch orders or adjustment orders.

Please also refer to Warehouse Scan Guide for how to use scanners in V6 Warehouse.

To create a consignment, go to Menu>Customer Service>Warehousing>Warehouse Orders.

New Warehouse Orders or Edit Warehouse Orders

For a new order click Add New Warehouse Order.

The user will need to select a customer code then click the GO button. Next to some fields throughout V6 you’ll see a blue picklist button

. In these fields, you can start typing and auto complete will start to make suggestions as you type.

If you are unsure of the data etc. that should go, there you can select from the list by clicking in the blue button and clicking on a letter.

Once a customer has been selected the following screen will open.

The Warehouse order screen has multiple sections and this is where all the details of the order are entered.


Section 1 - Customer Details

The Customer detail section is where the following information is entered;

  • Delivered – The delivered date field used as the date for inbound and outbound orders. The date is dependent on the transaction type selected in the Miscellaneous Details section.

  • Entered – The entered date is the date the request is entered into V6 and defaults to the current date.

  • Printed – ??

  • Customer – The Customer field is populated based on the customer selected when New Order was clicked.

  • Address fields – The Address fields are used to display the pickup address and or the delivery address. These field are also dependent upon the transaction type selected in the Miscellaneous Details section.

  • Phone – The Phone field is used as contact details based on the address.

  • Email – The Email field is also used as contact details based on the address. The email can all so be used for automated notifications.

  • Customer consignment – The Customer consignment field is used as reference for the request.


Sectin 2 - Miscellaneous Details

The Miscellaneous Details section is where the following information is entered;

  • Order – The delivered date field used as the date for inbound and outbound orders. The date is dependent on the transaction type selected in the Miscellaneous Details section.

  • Tax – This is where the user can override the default GST component.

  • Special Instructions – This is where any special instructions in relation to the order are added.

  • Consignment – This field will populate with the Transport consignment number once orders are set to inbound or outbound.

  • Invoice – This can be used as a reference.

  • AR Invoice – This can be used as a reference.

  • Warehouse – This field is used to tell V6 which warehouse the stock is to be adjusted in.

  • Transaction Type – This is a pull-down menu where the user can select Receipt request, Despatch request or Adjust request. See Product detail for more information.

  • Bin Transfer – This is used when moving stock around a warehouse.

  • Status – This field shows what the status of the order is.


Section 3 - Misellaneous Charge Details

The Miscellaneous Charge Details is where extra charges are added to an order;

  • Add Miscellaneous Charge Line – This link is used to add a warehouse user defined rate to this warehouse order. Rate code is the rate code from Warehouse User Defined Rates.

  • Recalculate – Click this link after adding a Warehouse User Defined Rate to adjust the warehouse charge.


Section 4 - Produt & Rate Details

The Product and Rate Details is where the quantities of products to be moved is recorded and the handling and or storage rates are calculated for the order;

  • Add Blank Line – This link is used to add a product code(s) for the order.

  • Product Code – This is where the customer product code is entered.

  • Bin Location – This is where the user chooses to locate or pick the stock for an order.

  • Batch – This field is not used and is for future developments.

  • Expected Quantity – This is the quantity information for each product for the Transaction Type. Please note: For Adjust request, the actual quantity can be positive or negative. A positive quantity means receiving in (stock adjusted up) and a negative quantity means shipping out (stock adjusted down). For Despatch request and Receipt request, quantity values on the warehouse orders are only positive values as the Transaction Type will adjust the stock level.

Actual Quantity – This field is used to record the actual quantities of the stock on the order. If an item is Serialised in the Product Setup, users will need to input a list of serial numbers by clicking on View/Edit Serial Items link. The number of serials must match the inputted actual quantity.

  • Unit – This field is auto populated from the product setup.

  • AQI – This field is used to notify uses that Australian Quarantine and Inspection is required.

  • Handling Rate – This field shows the rate for the handling portion of the order.

  • Handling Amount – This field shows the total rate for the handling portion of the order. (Quantity multiplied by the rate)

  • Packing Rate – This field shows the rate for the packing portion of the order.

  • Packing Amount – This field shows the total rate for the packing portion of the order. (Quantity multiplied by the rate)

  • Storage Rate – This field shows the rate for the storage portion of the order.

  • Storage Amount – This field shows the total rate for the storage portion of the order. (Quantity multiplied by the rate)

  • Rate Card – This field shows which rate card was used to calculate the rates.

Once the warehouse order has been saved in V6, warehouse operators can use mobile scanners to input serial numbers, quantities and scan codes. When the scanning process finishes, users can use the Show scan result link, located at the bottom of the warehouse order screen, to view or remove scanned serial numbers.

A warehouse order can also be completed by changing Transaction Type to Receipt, Shipped or Adjustment and inputting the actual Qty the stock balance will be modified correspondingly.


Once created warehouse orders can only be cancelled and not deleted.

Link “Show activity log” is used to display the events on the warehouse order. (Create, Update, Commit and Post)

Once a warehouse order has been changed to a final transaction type (RECEIPT, SHIPPED or ADJUSTMENT), the warehouse orders can be only viewed and posted.


Post Warhouse Orders into consigment

Post warehouse orders into consignment is used to create appropriate charges on warehouse orders by linking a warehouse order to a consignment then rating that consignment.

To Post warehouse orders into consignment, go to the View warehouse order screen, and click the Post Connote button.

A consignment will be created and rated, and then can be posted to accounts to reconcile the warehouse charge.


Manag Stock on-hand

To view stock on-hand or stock balances, go to Menu > Customer Service > Warehousing > Stock On-Hand.

Input a customer code and then press the “GO” button.


In this screen, users can search products for a customer using the options below;

  • Exclude items with 0 quantity on hand – This is used to exclude product items with 0 balances.

  • Exclude stock on outbound orders - this will calculate available stock (=total stock minus stock on outbound orders), and displays it as a small green numbers next to the quantity on hand stock.

  • Display quantity on hand by location – This is used to show an additional column indicating stock balance at each location. Selecting this option also enables users to perform quick transfer by input the number of items to be transferred, and the bin to which the items need to be transferred to then pressing "Apply Bin Transfer" button located at the end of the screen.

  • Serial Items – Users can view a products serial numbers by clicking on Serial Items link.

  • Airway Bill and Modality Columns – These fields are used by some transport companies to track items.

  • The text box is used to filter the product list as users type in product code.

For serialized items, click on the serial column will open a pop-up displaying serial numbers of the product. On the serial item list screen, users can also do quick transfer by input the new bin location under the current bin location of that serial number then press "Apply Quick Bin Transfer.

stock on hand serial


Add/Edit stocktake

To Create a Stocktake, go to Menu > Customer Service > Warehousing > Stock Taking.

  • Create/Edit stock count sheet – This link is used to create a new stocktake or edit an existing stocktake.

  • Doc No. – This is a system generated number.

  • Ref No. –

  • Count Date – This is the actual stocktake date

  • Customer – This field is used to control which customers stock is being counted. (leave blank for all customers within that warehouse.)

  • Warehouse – This field is used to control which warehouses stock is being counted.

  • Blind Count – This field controls weather a user can view stock balances during the counting process.

  • Count Status – This field show the status of the current stocktake, if it is not set to active, the stock taking process has not started.

“Populate”: this action will populate scanned serials into the stock count sheet by counting number of serials which are inputted via a scanner. Any product that is not presented in scan result will be considered as 0 quantity. (i.e: all were shipped out.)

Users can also import serials in CSV format (product_no, serial_no,location_code,bar_code,qty) into a stock taking sheet.

V6 supports “partial” stock-taking. This facility is used when users want to count stock in some specified locations or for some types of products only. To limit what could be counted, input “Counting criteria” by clicking “Add line”. The Item code/Bin Location are prefix-matched and are checked when users are scanning stock.

After create stock count sheet, users will be able to use handheld device equipped with V6Mobile to scan the items. The result of the scan will then need to be populated onto the stock count sheet.

Edit screen


Post Stocktake Results into an adjustment order

Before posting, users will need to populate scanned serials (or import serials if they use another system to scan products). Clicking on “re-populate” or “import serials” to do so.

After populating or importing serials, users can post stocktake result into an adjustment order. V6 will calculate the difference between on-hand quantities and counted quantities and generate appropriate adjustment lines.


Do adjustment (complete an adjustment order)

To do stock adjustment, go to Menu/Customer Service/Warehousing/Warehouse order. Search for “Adjust Request” type, and change that “Transaction Type” to “Adjustment” as with normal adjustment orders. The adjustment then is applied to stock-on-hand.

Please note: each serial item will create one line in the generated warehouse order.

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