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Vehicles are setup as the physical equipment doing a job.


To setup locations go to Menu>Administration>Vehicles>Vehicles.


Add or edit vehicles

  • Vehicle Code is an abbreviation or fleet number of the vehicle

  • Vehicle type is a way to group the equipment to help operations select the correct vehicle for a job. (See Setup Vehicle Types)

  • Registration number is the rego of the vehicle.

  • Depot is used to control were the vehicle is based

  • Time Zone is used for V6 mobile so jobs are time stamped correctly

  • Agent mobile user is there to setup the mobile user against the vehicle

  • All other fields are free text fields and are not mandatory. (Capacity fields will be used in future development).

Vehicles can be imported via a preformatted CSV file or inputted at the screen.

Vehicle Type
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Vehicle Type


Vehicles Types are setup to group equipment to help operations select the correct vehicle for a job.


To setup locations go to Menu>Administration>Vehicles>Vehicle Types.

Add or edit vehicle types

  • Vehicle Type Code is an abbreviation for the vehicle type.

  • Description is a full description of the vehicle type.

Delay Reason
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Delay Reasons


Delay reasons can be used when a consignment is delayed in transit via the V6 mobile app or through Consignment delay in Customer service. To setup Delay reasons go to Menu>Administration>Vehicles>Delay Reason

Add or edit delay reasons

  • Delay Reason Code is an abbreviation for the delay type.

  • Description is a full description of the delay.

  • Hide from customer is so the customer is unable to view that delay reason.

  • Hide from driver and Message despatch are both not in user and are there for future development.

  • Code is an abbreviation for the load Categories.

  • Description is what the Category is called.



Drivers are setup so operations have visibility over who the work has been allocated to and system keeps the record of past jobs administrative purposes.


To setup Drivers go to Menu>Administration>Vehicles>Drivers



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Add or edit drivers

  • Driver Code is an abbreviation for the Driver.

  • Driver Name is the full name of the driver.

  • Depot is where the driver is based.

  • All other fields are general information related to the driver.

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Agents are setup so operations have visibility over who the work has been allocated to and the system keeps the record of past jobs administrative purposes such as agent payments.


To setup Agents go to Menu>Administration>Vehicles> Agents

Add or Edit Agents

  • Agent code is an abbreviation for the agent.

  • The vendor is a supplier code that is associated with the Agent. (Setup Vendors)

  • The vehicle is equipment that belongs to the Agents.

  • Contact Name down to Coms Address are general information fields related to the Agent.

  • Job Type can be left blank or set so an agent is restricted to a particular job type.

  • Fuel Levy is used to calculating the fuel levy to be paid to an agent.




Agents are set up so operations have visibility over who the work has been allocated to and the system keeps the record of past jobs administrative purposes such as agent payments.


To setup Vendors go to Menu>Administration>Vehicles>Vendors

Add or edit vendors

  • Vendor Code is an abbreviation for the vendor and can be the same code as the agent.

  • Business Name is the supplier/agent's business name.

  • ABN is the Australian Business Number allocated to that business.

  • Contact Name down to Country are general information fields related to the vendor.

  • Tax code and Terms can be used for imports into your Accounting software.

  • Fuel Levy is used to calculating the fuel levy to be paid to a vendor.

Load Categories
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Full Load Categories

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Half Load Categories


Full Load Categories and Half Load Categories are setup so manifests can be costed at a full or half load rate no matter how many consignments or items are in the load.


To setup Full Load Categories and Half Load Categories go to Menu>Administration>Vehicles>Full Load Categories or Menu>Administration>Vehicles>Half Load Categories

Add or edit full load categories & half load categories

  • Code is an abbreviation for the load Categories.

  • Description is what the Category is called.



Carriers are setup so a Driver and Vehicle are combined into a single Carrier which can be used for scheduling.


To setup Carriers go to Menu>Administration>Vehicles>Carriers



Add or edit carriers

  • Doc No is a system-generated number.

  • The description is the name given to the carrier or their business name.

  • Depot is where the carrier is based.

  • The driver is the allocated or agent driver.

  • An alternate Driver can be a backup driver or left blank.

  • The vehicle is allocated or agent vehicle.

  • Start and End Dates can be used to schedule a carrier or set for a contracted period.

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