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Users are setup to control access to different areas of V6 by associating them with a group which has access permissions setup based on your company’s processes.


Each system user needs to be setup in V6 to be able to access the system.


To setup go to Menu>Administration>Users>Users>Add a New User (see below).

Add or edit users

  • User Id is a code that is an alphanumeric field used to differentiate users.

  • The user name is the full name of the user.

  • The password is set by the System administrator and can be changed by the user when logged in to V6.

  • Depot is so a user can be linked to one depot or left blank to access all deports.

  • Email address is used for customer service issues, user reset passwords and some reports. The email field is not mandatory but is highly recommended.

  • Account locked is so a user’s account can be set to inactive.

  • The role is set based on the type of user. (All V6 mobile users need to be set up here)

  • Accounts are based on Customer and Agent roles only.

  • Groups are set up based on user permissions, many users can be associated with one group.

  • Warehouses is based on the warehouse user can access.


User Group

Groups are set so one or many users can be associated to the same access permissions.


To setup go to Menu>Administration>Users>Groups>Add a New Group.

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Add or Edit groups

  • Group is a code that is an alphanumeric field used to differentiate groups.

  • Description is the full name of the group.

  • User is where the users are added to the group.


User Limit

User Limits are used for the validation of the consignment field, either it's required or not, and what will be the maximum and minimum value for the consignment field. This function helps the user to have full control of consignment fields


To set up user limits go to Menu>Administrators>Users>Users>Limits

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User Limits

Add or edit User Limits

  • The user group will be empty if the rule is not to apply for all users.

  • A resource in the field of the consignment on where you apply the rules.

  • Required is the checked boxed field which checks the consignment value is required or not while saving

  • The minimum value is the field to define minimum value for the specific field

  • The maximum value is the field to define maximum characters for the specific field

For add edit user limits, click on Add new user limits>

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Access permission


Access permissions are set so a group can be associated to the same access permissions.


To setup go to Menu>Administration>Users> Access Permissions>Add a New (see below).

User Access

Add or edit access permissions

  • Id is a system generated field.

  • User or Group relates to user and groups setup earlier in this manual.

  • Resource is a field, menu item, view or action within V6.

  • Access is drop-down that gives the group or use permission to use that field.

  • Glossary gives a description of the resources.

Access Permissions can be set up by your V6 administrator or Omnix support can do it for you as the permissions can get very complicated.

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