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To setup customers go to Menu>Administration>Customers to manage customers.

Add or edit customers 

  • Customer Code is an alphanumeric field used to define a customer. (Code should be meaningful to the organisation so all users will understand and recognise it.)

  • Business Name is the correct name of the customer.

  • Business Number if used is the Australian Business number for the customer.

  • Street address is the physical location of the business.

  • Postal address is the address used to send invoices/statements if this is the same as the Street address it can be copied from the street address.

Please note fields AR GL Account, AR GL Department, cubic rate, tax code, fuel levy which appear in customer setup will be used as default values when rating consignments, unless overridden at rate setup or AR setup.

Logo is used when printing consignment notes. Click “Remove image” to remove the logo.

If the Terms and Condition file is specified, the customer will be able to download this file upon booking a consignment. Click Remove T&C to remove the terms and conditions file. Click Download to download the terms and conditions file.

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