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Item Scan Menu

The item scan menu can be accessed from the home screen of v6 mobile client, then select the submenu 'Item Scan'


Item scan setup

In this setup screen, select the action, location,manifest and vehicle, then touch [Start] button

Action: (not all actions are available, depending on configuration of the module)

Pickup - this is used to scan item at the customer pickup site

Unloading - this is used when the items are unloaded from the vehicle after pickup into the depot

Loading - this option is used when the items are loaded into the vehicle at the depot

Delivery - this option is used when the items are delivered. This is the final action

Location: where the scan occurs, it's the depot name in most cases

Status: provide the reason for this scan

In full on time: the normal status

short quantity:



Manifest: this will be populated if the driver is working on a manifest (scan for one manifest). it will be empty if free scan mode is used.

Vehicle: this should be the vehicle code of the driver


Scan all the items

As the driver scans the item, the scanned codes will be shown on the screen, if a code cannot be scanned (wear and tear of code), it can be inputted manually into the box and touch 'Enter' on the keyboard to accept the code. Once the scan is completed, touch the 'Save' button at the bottom of the screen to save the data


Capture signature or photo

The driver has a few option: submit data with signature, with photo or both signature and photo or with signature or photo, or they can continue scan (if they missed scaning some items in the previous screen).


Complete the process

Driver can obtain one signature and multiple photos (using the 'Add photos' button at the bottom af screen, then touch 'Submit' to send the data to the system.

The submitted data can be viewed from tracking screen on v6 web.

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