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Customer Rate

Rating is a complex process in which the consignment charge is calculated based on different rules. There are various types of rating supported by V6, with the option to apply auto or manual rates.


Customer rates are rates that are specific to a customer and these rates will be applied automatically to a consignment when booked, if they meet all the criteria including effective & expiry dates. Rates can be calculated based on Weight, Volume, Pallet, Item. Users can also define an unlimited number of volume break points, which can be stepped or normal. In addition, rates can be assigned to a specific location, job, or service. If a field is left blank, it is assumed that all possible values for that criteria apply.

To setup customer quoted rates, go to Menu>Administration>Rates>Customer Rate Setup>Add a New Rate

Add or edit customer rates

  • Doc No is a system generated number and does not need to be populated.

  • Customer is who the rate card is being setup for.

  • Customer class is used to divide customers into categories (or groups) so one rate policy can be applied.

  • From date and Expiry date are used to help with users with the uprate process.

  • From Location and To Location is used to look at a consignments collect and deliver location. Locations are treed as Zone>Area>Town>PostCode>Suburb.

  • Job type helps to categories the consignment for rating.

  • Service type is used to rate consignments of a particular service.

  • Vehicle type is used so rates can be defined by vehicle grouping.

  • Freight class is used to rate grouped product items.

  • Rate basis used to calculate based on Weight, Items, Pallets and Volume

  • Rate break type is used to define an unlimited number of volume break points, which can be stepped or normal.

  • Cubic conversion is a field that can be set to 0.0 which will ignore the field, this field is used to convert cubic to weight so V6 can work out which value is the greater to rate on. (300.0 = 3:1, 200.0 = 2:1 etc.)

  • GL Account, GL Department and tax code are used to direct consignment revenue to the correct accounts.

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User Defined Rate


A User defined rate is used when a user or customer service wants to manually add additional charges to a consignment. V6 provides this feature so that extra charges can be captured at point of entry.


To setup User Defined Rate go to Menu>Administration>Rates>User Defined Rate Setup.

User Defined

Add and edit User Defined Rate

  • Doc No is a system generated number and does not need to be populated.

  • Code is an alphanumeric field used to define the rate

  • Customer is for whom the rate is being setup for or blank for all customers.

  • Customer class is used to divide customers into categories (or groups) so one rate policy can be applied or leave blank for all.

  • Job type helps to categories the consignment for rating or leave blank for all job types.

  • Service type is used to rate consignments of a particular service or leave blank for all service types.

  • GL Account, GL Department and tax code are used to direct consignment revenue to the correct accounts.

On this screen (see below), if the Customer Selectable field is ticked, this user-defined rate will be shown to the customer booking screen as an extra service for them to tick.

If the Fuel Levy Applies box is selected, then the rating process will take the fuel levy into account.

If the chargeable box is selected, this rate is a service which requires a payment when using this. The payment details related to this service is added to a consignment when it is reviewed by customer service users, often by adding a user defined rate to it.

Distance and Time
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Distance & Time Rate


This type of rate is based on distance and time of travelling to calculate the payment on a consignment.


Go to Menu>Administration>Rates>Distance and Time Rates

  • Doc No is a system generated number and does not need to be populated.

  • Customer is who the rate is being setup for or blank for all customers.

  • From date and Expiry date are used to help with users with the uprate process.

  • Job type helps to categories the consignment for rating or leave blank for all job types.

  • Service type is used to rate consignments of a particular service or left blank for all service types.

  • GL Account, GL Department and tax code are used to direct consignment revenue to the correct accounts.

  • Doc No is a system generated number and does not need to be populated.

  • Customer is who the rate is being setup for or blank for all customers.

  • From date and Expiry date are used to help with users with the uprate process.

  • Job type helps to categories the consignment for rating or leave blank for all job types.

  • Service type is used to rate consignments of a particular service or left blank for all service types.

  • GL Account, GL Department and tax code are used to direct consignment revenue to the correct accounts.

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Fuel Levy Rate

Fuel levy


Fuel Levy rate are used to recoup some of the operating cost associated to fuel.


To setup fuel levy rates, go to Menu>Administration>Rates>Fuel Levy Rates

Add or edit fuel levy rates

  • Code is an alphanumeric field used to define the Fuel levy.

  • Description name for the Fuel Levy

  • GL code and Department code are used to direct revenue to the correct accounts.

  • Start and End date time the Fuel levy runs for.

  • Rate % is the percentage of revenue that is charged as fuel levy.

  • Add blank line creates a new line below the current fuel levy for future levy’s.

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Risk Levy Rate


Risk Levy

Risk levy can be applied onto a consignment booked within specified dates.


To setup go to Menu>Administration>Rates>Risk Levy Rate to setup. (Risk Levy can be applied at a global level, customer level or a ratecard level.)

Add or edit risk levy

  • Code is an alphanumeric field used to define the customer class.

  • Description is used to describe the class.

  • GL Account and GL Department are used to direct consignment expenditure to the correct accounts.

  • Start date and End date are used to apply the rate to consignment within this range.

  • Charge $ is the amount of the levy

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Agent Rate


An Agent rate is applied when calculating the charges that are payable to an agent. Like customer quoted rates, the user can define an Agent rate using various parameters and the quantity breakdowns.


Go to Menu>Rates>Agent Rates to setup agent rates.

Agent Rate

Add or Edit Agent rates

  • Doc No is a system-generated number and does not need to be populated.

  • The agent is who the rate card is being set up for.

  • From date and Expiry date are used to help with users with the uprate process.

  • From Location and To Location is used to look at consignments collect and delivery location. Locations are treed as Zone>Area>Town>PostCode>Suburb.

  • Job type helps to categories the consignment for rating.

  • Service type is used to rate consignments of a particular service.

  • Vehicle type is used so rates can be defined by vehicle grouping.

  • Freight class is used to rate grouped product items.

  • Rate basis used to calculate based on Weight, Items, Pallets and Volume

  • Rate break type is used to define an unlimited number of volume break points, which can be stepped or normal.

  • GL Account, GL Department and tax code are used to direct consignment expenditure to the correct accounts.

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Agent Hourly Rate


This type of rate is used to calculate payments to an agent driver based on hours or kilometres which are added manually to a manifest. To setup go to Menu>Rates>Agent hourly rate.

Hourly Agent

Add or edit a new rate

  • Doc No is a system-generated number and does not need to be populated.

  • The agent is who the rate is being set up for or blank for all agents.

  • From date and Expiry date are used to help with users with the uprate process.

  • Vehicle type is used so rates can be defined by vehicle grouping.

  • GL Account, GL Department and tax code are used to direct consignment expenditure to the correct accounts.

Manifest Full
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Manifest Full Load Rate


This type of rate is used to calculate manifest payments to agents based on a full load rate from and to a location.


To setup go to Menu>Rates>Manifest full load rates.

Add or edit new manifest full load

  • Doc No is a system generated number and does not need to be populated.

  • Date is used to help users with the uprate process or control how long the rate is available to use.

  • Category is used to define which load rate to use and is applied at creation of a manifest. (See Category setup)

  • Vendor is who the rate is being applied to. (See Vendor setup)

  • From and to location sets where the rate will be applied of left blank for all locations.

  • GL Account, GL Department and tax code are used to direct revenue and expenditure to the correct accounts.

  • Rate Amount $ is the full load charge and will apply to the manifest used.

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