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The first step in the AR process is posting consignments to accounts via the consignment view screen for a single consignment or the consignment search screen for multiple consignments.


To get to Billing, go to Menu>Customer Service>Billing.

Post Consignments to Receivable Accounts
Billing Process
         Cash receipts
         Print statements
         Post statements
         Manage receivable documents
         Billing process
         Post consignments to                             receivable accounts


Manage Receivable Documents

Receivable documents include: debit memos, credit memos or invoices.

Go to: Menu>Customer Service>Billing>Receivable Documents to manage receivable documents,

Select your filters on the first portion of the screen then click Search or leave filters blank to return all. At the bottom of the result list, the button POST TO ACCOUNTS can be used to post all documents from the result list to accounts.

Note: only unposted documents will be posted.

Click Add New Receivable Document to create a new receivable document.

Before inputting the document information, users need to select the customer they are going to create the AR Document for click the GO button.

  • Date – This will be the AR Document date.

  • Department – Select the department the AR Document will be allocated to.

  • Gross Amount Entry – This is where the user picks to enter the AR Document as Gross or net amounts.

  • Document type – This is where the user selects the AR Document Type – Invoice, Credit Memo, Debit Memo or Finance Charge. (Invoice is used to create an invoice outside of the Transport and Warehouse modules, Credit Memo is used to raise a credit to an invoice, Debit Memo is used to raise a debit charge against an invoice and Finance Charge is used to raise extra charges such as Statement charges etc.)

  • Invoice – This is a mandatory field where the user enters an invoice reference number.

  • Reference – This field is only enabled when Credit Memo, Debit Memo or Finance Charge are selected and is used to add a reference other than the invoice number.

  • Tax – This is where the user selects whether GST or some other tax code is applied. (This will default to what is set against the customer)

  • Terms – This is where the user selects what the terms are of the AR Document. (This will default to what is set against the customer)

Once all the details have been entered the user can click add blank line.

This is where the user enters the Quantity, Unit, Description, Price and selects the account and department the charges are going to. To add more charge lines the user can click add blank line which will create and new charge line.

Once all charge lines are added click Recalculate to recalculate totals.

When finished click SAVE to create the receivable document.


Posting statement is a process to consolidate accounts and generate statements for customers.

To post statements go to Menu>Administration>Billing>Post Statement

Enter the criteria or leave blank then click the SEARCH button. The result screen displays number of customer found.

Input a statement date, then click the GO button to generate statements for all customers which were found in the search.

Post Statements

The posting statements can be a long process depending on the search criteria selected, the process runs as a background job. During this time, users that start the process should not leave the screen while there is a progress bar. At the end, a log file can be viewed.



The generated statements can be viewed and printed via the “Print customer statement” function. To print statements, go to



Enter the criteria or leave blank then click the SEARCH button. The result screen will display the number of statements found.

Print Statements

In the result screen, custom notes can be added to appear on the statements.


Cash Receipts

To create a Cash Receipt, go to


Menu>Administration>Billing>Cash Receipts.

From this screen, users can Add New Cash Receipt. To add a cash receipt, users firstly enters the customer details and clicks LOAD INVOICES/ STATEMENTS.

  • Batch – Users can select a batch to allocate the cash receipt to an existing batch.

  • Create New Batch – If checked this will allocate this cash receipt to a new batch.

  • Payment Type – This allows the user to select how the receipt is being paid.

  • Cheque Number – Is filled in if receipt is paid by cheque.

  • Description – This is a free text field

  • Receipt Amount – Is where the value of the receipt is added for allocation.

  • Accounts portion – This information is read-only (from customer defaults) and can be overwritten when the box Override Customer Defaults is checked.

  • Clear all Applied fields – Clicking this link will reset all applied fields to zero amounts.

  • Auto Apply – Clicking this button will allocate the receipt amount into invoice/statement from top to bottom.

  • Statement Auto Apply – Clicking this link will allocate the statement amount to sub-invoices.

  • Account/Bank Details” box:

After inputting all fields, click SAVE to create a cash receipt.

Note: a cash receipt can never be revised. If users have inputted incorrect information, users should delete and re-input.

Users can post an individual cash receipt using link View/Post or post cash receipts by batch by selecting a batch number and clicking the Post button.

A cash receipt can never be edited. If a cash receipt is entered with the wrong information, users should delete the cash receipt and create a new one.

To edit or view a saved Cash Receipt click View/Post to open the cash receipt detail screen.

On the View cash receipt screen, clicking on POST will post this cash receipt.

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